Employer of Record In Asia Pacific & Beyond

Innovare has been established since 2000 and is a leading Workforce Management Group with over two decades of experience in managing work visa, compliance risk and payroll for Clients, agencies and contractors in Asia Pacific region and beyond.

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数字でみるInnovare Group










Innovare Group が選ばれる理由



 Innovare Group は、アジア地域をメインに 24年以上の経験を基に、お客様・人材を第1に考えたEOR(雇用代行)ソリューションを提供しています。海外進出、プロジェクト人事アウトソーシングを専門として 25 か国で事業を展開しています。



 シンガポールの 4G 設備展開中、当社のローカル従業員と駐在員の組み合わせによるチームがクライアントをサポートいたしました。
 このような大きなプロジェクトの場合、駐在員が 6 ~ 18 か月間当社Innovareのチームに加わり、プロジェクトの進行・完了をサポートするため、ローカル従業員を訓練します。
 2016 年半ばのプロジェクトの後、駐在員は帰任し、すべての機能、メンテナンスは現地スタッフに移行しました。


 当社は、国によって異なる複雑な規制・環境下において、必要不可欠なコンプライアンスの管理をサポートいたします。我々Innovare は現地法および国際法のアドバイス・順守を保証します。






Innovare は、APAC での 23 年以上の経験に裏打ちされた、ベンダー中立で人間優先の EOR サービスに優れています。当社はプロジェクト人事アウトソーシングを専門として 25 か国で事業を展開しています。



多くの場合、海外駐在員が 6 ~ 18 か月間当社のチームに加わり、専門知識を伝え、プロジェクトの完了と維持に向けて地元住民を訓練します。シンガポールの 4G 展開中、当社の現地スキルと海外駐在員のスキルの組み合わせがクライアントのチームを大いにサポートしました。

2016 年半ばのプロジェクトの後、ほとんどの駐在員が退職したため、メンテナンスは主に現地スタッフに移行しました。


当社のサービスには、複雑な規制環境において不可欠な詳細なコンプライアンス管理が含まれます。大規模なインフラプロジェクトにおいて、Innovare は現地法および国際法の厳格な順守を保証します。












Innovare Groupは、人材の採用からEOR(雇用代行)まで、お客様の海外進出に必要なサービスをワンストップで提供します。




"I have worked with Innovare Solutions for several years. I have always found you professional, timely and friendly in managing my invoicing, billing and tax. Especially when I work in new locations like South Korea, Innovare’s global presence has enabled me to settle in seamlessly. I would recommend it to anyone."
"I have worked with Innovare Solutions for several years. I have always found you professional, timely and friendly in managing my invoicing, billing and tax. Especially when I work in new locations like South Korea, Innovare’s global presence has enabled me to settle in seamlessly. I would recommend it to anyone."
Senior Consultant
"Chevron would like to thank Innovare for your great support in 2009. Despite the complexity of our multi-currency regional agreement, you were able to deliver good services. Thank you for your patience when we were setting up the different Innovare entity accounts in Chevron's system. Innovare's flexibility in accommodating our additional requirements is also much appreciated. Last but not least, I would like to thank your accounts team for their diligence and prompt responses."
Area Procurement Operations Supervisor
"Thank you very much Joseph - you and your team have gone above and beyond - we greatly appreciate it!"
"We have really appreciated Innovare's support with South Korea and in particular Cecilia has been a huge help in assisting with the management and payment process. She really has done a fabulous job and we are very happy with all her hard work and support on the South Korea account."
Senior Consultant
"As the year draws to a close PMI would like to thank Innovare for your assistance and support during the establishment of our Singapore operation. We have found your service to be very efficient and timely and PMI would happily recommend Innovare to others going through the same process."
Operations Director

It's about people .


10 年以上のお付き合いのあるお客様が多くを占めています。





よくある質問 - FAQ -

1) Innovare Groupの主なサービスは何ですか?

2) Innovare はどの国で事業を展開していますか?

3) EOR(雇用代行)サービスを使用する際、雇用人材の最小または最大数はありますか?

4) 雇用人材と契約するための最低期間または最長期間はありますか?

5) 雇用人材の入社までプロセスにはどれくらいの時間がかかりますか?

6) Innovare に雇用人材に適用する保険に加入していますか?

7) 様々な通貨で給与計算することが可能ですか?

8) サービスは固定価額ですか?

9) どのようなお客様にEOR(雇用代行)サービスを提供していますか?


You've got questions, and we have the answers.

1) What are the core services of Innovare?

1) What are the core services of

2) What countries does Innovare operate in?

2) What countries does Innovare
operate in?

3) Is there a minimum or maximum number of
contractors to use Innovare?

3) Is there a minimum or maximum
number of contractors to use

4) Is there a minimum or maximum period to engage a

4) Is there a minimum or maximum
period to engage a contractor?

5) How long is the onboarding process?

5) How long is the onboarding

6) Does Innovare have insurance?

7) Do you support different currencies when
processing payroll?

7) Do you support different
currencies when processing payroll?

8) Do you have a fixed price list for our services?

8) Do you have a fixed price list for
our services?

9) What are the current customers that you serve?

9) What are the current customers
that you serve?


You've got questions, and we have the answers.

1) What are the core services of Innovare?

2) What countries does Innovare operate

3) Is there a minimum or maximum
number of contractors to use Innovare?

4) Is there a minimum or maximum period
to engage a contractor?

5) How long is the onboarding process?

6) Does Innovare have insurance?

7) Do you support different currencies
when processing payroll?

8) Do you have a fixed price list for our

9) What are the current customers that
you serve?

ローリスクで海外展開を実現させる (海外雇用代行)

Our customers love us - so why wouldn't you?

"For the past 4 years, Bluetec has used the services of Innovare in the areas of immigration, payroll and tax management. Innovare has assisted us in countries, including China, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Bangladesh. The solutions they provide give us the peace of mind that the contractors are well cared for."
Nipam Patel
Senior Consultant
"For the past 4 years, Bluetec has used the services of Innovare in the areas of immigration, payroll and tax management. Innovare has assisted us in countries, including China, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Bangladesh. The solutions they provide give us the peace of mind that the contractors are well cared for."
Nipam Patel
Senior Consultant
"Chevron would like to thank Innovare for your great support in 2009. Despite the complexity of our multi-currency regional agreement, you were able to deliver good services. Thank you for your patience when we were setting up the different Innovare entity accounts in Chevron's system. Innovare's flexibility in accommodating our additional requirements is also much appreciated. Last but not least, I would like to thank your accounts team for their diligence and prompt responses."
Chng Shanying
Area Procurement Operations Supervisor
"Thank you very much Joseph - you and your team have gone above and beyond - we greatly appreciate it!"
Raquel Severson
"We have really appreciated Innovare's support with South Korea and in particular Cecilia has been a huge help in assisting with the management and payment process. She really has done a fabulous job and we are very happy with all her hard work and support on the South Korea account."
Yasmeen Haque
Senior Consultant
"As the year draws to a close PMI would like to thank Innovare for your assistance and support during the establishment of our Singapore operation. We have found your service to be very efficient and timely and PMI would happily recommend Innovare to others going through the same process."
Peter Judge
Operations Director

Workforce Management in asia pacific & beyond

Innovare has been established since 2000 and is a leading Workforce Management Group with over two decades of experience in managing work visa, compliance risk and payroll for Clients, agencies and contractors in Asia Pacific region and beyond.

Together with our network of localised entities and partners, Innovare provides a comprehensive one-stop support service to serve your contractors working in home country or overseas. We provide customised solution to suit your business needs. Get in touch with us today.

Why Use an Employer of Record?

Why choose us?

We make things happen.

HR Project Management

Innovare manages Project Human Resources Outsourcing in 17 countries in Asia Pacific.

In collaboration with End Clients (Eg: Ericsson Singapore) and Recruiters, Project Teams are formed comprising of Client and our resources.

They comprise of locals as well as expats whose skills are not found in Singapore.


It is the general direction that the expats are only part of the team for a short period of time (6-18 months) to contribute know how and train the locals to continue with the closure of the project and maintaining thereof.

For example, in the roll-out of the 4th Generation Broadband Cellular Network Technology (4G) in Singapore, Innovare contributed local and expat talents to the Client's Singapore team.

Once the project ended in mid 2016, most of the expat personnel were withdrawn and the maintenance team that took over comprise mainly of local staff.

Why choose us?

We make things happen.

HR Project Management

Innovare manages Project Human Resources Outsourcing in 17 countries in Asia Pacific.

In collaboration with End Clients (Eg: Ericsson Singapore) and Recruiters, Project Teams are formed comprising of Client and our resources.

They comprise of locals as well as expats whose skills are not found in Singapore.


It is the general direction that the expats are only part of the team for a short period of time (6-18 months) to contribute know how and train the locals to continue with the closure of the project and maintaining thereof.

For example, in the roll-out of the 4th Generation Broadband Cellular Network Technology (4G) in Singapore, Innovare contributed local and expat talents to the Client's Singapore team.

Once the project ended in mid 2016, most of the expat personnel were withdrawn and the maintenance team that took over comprise mainly of local staff.

We're a full service firm - how can we help you?


Innovare can assist anyone with their overseas employment process

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Let us help you get the people you want

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Innovare ensures your contractors are compliant with local laws and regulations

Learn more


Receive complete assistance at every step of the process of establishing a business entity in Singapore

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Innovare can assist anyone with their overseas employment process

Learn more


Let us help you get the people you want

Learn more


Innovare ensures your contractors are compliant with local laws and regulations

Learn more


Receive complete assistance at every step of the process of establishing a business entity in Singapore

Learn more
Our Core Values

It's about people.


Being open and honest is our key principle and we work hard to build long term and productive business relationships with our customers through professionalism and trust. Majority of our customers stay with us for more than a decade.


We regard our customers as our teammates, and together, we aim to expand your business by providing high level satisfying experience to your contractors and end clients.


We conduct our business with high standard via cost effective solutions to our customers. We provide quality support to you and the contractors from the beginning work visa application to the final tax clearance with dedicated account manager assigned to your contractors.


You've got questions, and we have the answers.

1) What are the core services of Innovare?

Our core services are to be an EOR or PEO on behalf of our clients, that is, we assume the responsibilities of work visa processing, payroll, tax and other employment compliance management services.This is usually catered to companies that do not have a registered entity in a foreign country and not ready to set up on their own. We also extend such services to companies that only need some specialised staff for a fixed duration on a project basis where permanent placement may not be suitable.

2) What countries does Innovare operate in?

We provide solutions to most countries in the Asia Pacific region, which you can refer to our country capability list on our website.

See full list of countries

3) Is there a minimum or maximum number of contractors to use Innovare?

There is no minimum, and we will still provide you our quality service even for a single contractor.
In fact, some of our loyal clients started with one contractor when they first came to us.
Take note, however, that certain countries require the application of a quota for employment of foreign staff and criteria to obtain a work permit varies across countries. We provide consultancy service in the areas where we operate.

4) Is there a minimum or maximum period to engage a contractor?

There is no minimum, but a fixed term contract is preferred to be set in place for a contractor.
Contract duration could always be extended when needed.
In some countries, multiple extensions or open contracts may bring intrinsic risks or liabilities for you to consider such as entitlement and benefits, termination and severance pay.

5) How long is the onboarding process?

For local contractors, the process could usually be completed within 2 to 3 working days.
Expatriates may take longer time, depending on the country of work and the candidate’s qualification.

6) Does Innovare have insurance?

We provide mandatory insurance based on country’s statutory requirements such as Work Injury Compensation. We also have corporate insurances in place.

7) Do you support different currencies when processing payroll?

Yes, we support most major currencies including but not limited to USD, EUR, GBP, CNY, JPY, SGD, MYR, HKD, INR, IDR etc.

8) Do you have a fixed price list for our services?

No. We don’t believe in “one-size fits all” . To achieve a win-win solution to maximise business opportunities while minimising costs, we encourage potential customers to talk to our Sales team so we can work out together on how best to satisfy your business needs.

Get in Touch

9) What are the current customers that you serve?

Innovare works with various recruitment agencies and end clients around the world as we are the pioneer in EOR /PEO business with more than 20 years of experience. Check out our Testimonial section and reach out to us for more information

Our Clients

We work with the best.

Read full Testimonials
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Our Clients

We work with the best.

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