

Innovare のような EOR(雇用代行) サービスは、グローバルで人材を採用・雇用する際の法的および人事上の複雑さをアウトソースすることで、このような潜在リスクやお客様の人事管理プロセスを簡素化します。  


Workforce Expansion

Embarking on global growth and scaling your workforce internationally poses challenges and opportunities. An Employer of Record (EOR) service, like Innovare, simplifies this process by handling legal and HR complexities of employing staff globally. We provide extensive services to support your international workforce, ensuring compliance, efficiency, and smooth operations in various markets.


サービスの利点 - 専門知識と効率性


当社の EOR サービスはお客様の幅広いグローバル展開を可能とし、様座な国でのビジネスの円滑な運営と人事管理を可能にします。 Innovare のソリューションは、アジア地域をメインにカバーし、各国現地固有の需要や課題に適切に対応いたします。   お客様の新興国・新規進出国ので戦略的かつコンプライアンスに準拠した拡大をサポートいたします。


Innovare の EOR (雇用代行)サービスは、コンプライアンスと人事・給与計算プロセスを効果的に管理します。



当社はさまざまな現地の専門家やパートナーと協力し、お客様のニーズにあった EOR(雇用代行) ソリューションを提供いたします。  当社の多数のお客様は、EOR(雇用代行)サービスの利用を通じて、現地法人の設立しなくても新規国・海外進出を成功させています。  実際のEOR(雇用代行)の利用例やお客様の声をご覧いただくことで、我々Innovareがどのようにしてグローバルでの人材(従業員)の雇用の成功をサポートしてきたのがご理解頂けます。


"I have worked with Innovare Solutions for several years. I have always found you professional, timely and friendly in managing my invoicing, billing and tax. Especially when I work in new locations like South Korea, Innovare’s global presence has enabled me to settle in seamlessly. I would recommend it to anyone."
"I have worked with Innovare Solutions for several years. I have always found you professional, timely and friendly in managing my invoicing, billing and tax. Especially when I work in new locations like South Korea, Innovare’s global presence has enabled me to settle in seamlessly. I would recommend it to anyone."
Senior Consultant
"Chevron would like to thank Innovare for your great support in 2009. Despite the complexity of our multi-currency regional agreement, you were able to deliver good services. Thank you for your patience when we were setting up the different Innovare entity accounts in Chevron's system. Innovare's flexibility in accommodating our additional requirements is also much appreciated. Last but not least, I would like to thank your accounts team for their diligence and prompt responses."
Area Procurement Operations Supervisor
"Thank you very much Joseph - you and your team have gone above and beyond - we greatly appreciate it!"
"We have really appreciated Innovare's support with South Korea and in particular Cecilia has been a huge help in assisting with the management and payment process. She really has done a fabulous job and we are very happy with all her hard work and support on the South Korea account."
Senior Consultant
"As the year draws to a close PMI would like to thank Innovare for your assistance and support during the establishment of our Singapore operation. We have found your service to be very efficient and timely and PMI would happily recommend Innovare to others going through the same process."
Operations Director
よくある質問 - FAQ -

1) Innovare Groupの主なサービスは何ですか?

2) Innovare はどの国で事業を展開していますか?

3) EOR(雇用代行)サービスを使用する際、雇用人材の最小または最大数はありますか?

4) 雇用人材と契約するための最低期間または最長期間はありますか?

5) 雇用人材の入社までプロセスにはどれくらいの時間がかかりますか?

6) Innovare に雇用人材に適用する保険に加入していますか?

7) 様々な通貨で給与計算することが可能ですか?

8) サービスは固定価額ですか?

9) どのようなお客様にEOR(雇用代行)サービスを提供していますか?


You've got questions, and we have the answers.

1) What are the core services of Innovare?

1) What are the core services of

2) What countries does Innovare operate in?

2) What countries does Innovare
operate in?

3) Is there a minimum or maximum number of
contractors to use Innovare?

3) Is there a minimum or maximum
number of contractors to use

4) Is there a minimum or maximum period to engage a

4) Is there a minimum or maximum
period to engage a contractor?

5) How long is the onboarding process?

5) How long is the onboarding

6) Does Innovare have insurance?

7) Do you support different currencies when
processing payroll?

7) Do you support different
currencies when processing payroll?

8) Do you have a fixed price list for our services?

8) Do you have a fixed price list for
our services?

9) What are the current customers that you serve?

9) What are the current customers
that you serve?


Innovare の EOR(雇用代行) サービスを活用して、海外進出・海外展開をよりシンプルにかる身近に感じて頂けます。  当社はグローバル市場における各国それぞれの雇用・労働法・ルールの複雑さに対処し、お客様がビジネスの成長に集中できるようサポートいたします。 
